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         Dr. Husain Zaheer Memorial Lecture


  to be held on 22nd July, 2019 at 3:30 PM in the NPL auditorium, New Delhi.


Lecture will be delivered by Dr. Shekhar C. Mande, Secretary, DSIR and DG CSIR,  on “Leadership in science & technology”. 


Prof. S. K. Joshi formerly DG CSIR will preside.








The Annual Zaheer Science Foundation Lecture

The Foundation organizes an annual lecture by an eminent scientist in the areas of ‘Science Policy’. Amongst others the following have contributed to this program.

Prof. Abdus Salam, Nobel Laureate, F.R.S., Director, Institute of Advanced Physics Research, Trieste, Italy.

Dr. Maurice Goldsmith, Director, International Science Policy Foundation, London.

Prof. Alan Mackay, F.R.S., Head, Crystallography, Birkbeck College, University of London, London.

Dr. Staffard Beers who was associated with planning in Chile under President Salvador Allende.

Since 1988 the Zaheer Science Foundation has taken advantage of the annual sessions of the Indian Science Congress for this activity to reach a wider spectrum of scientists.  Renowned scientists have delivered lectures during the Science Congress sessions.

Dr.  C.N.R. Rao, F.R.S., on “Super-Conductivity” in 1988 at Bangalore.

Dr. A.P. Mitra, F.R.S. on Scientific Research and National Development” in 1989 at Madurai.

Prof. Obaid Siddiqi, F.R.S., on “Science, Society, Government and Politics – Some Remarks on the ideas of Jawaharlal Nehru” in 1990 at Cochin.

Prof. Yash Pal on “Science and Societal Disasters” in 1991 at Indore.


Other lectures:

Dr. S. Chandrasekhar, F.R.S., on “Science and Aesthetics”.

Dr. K.T. Achaya on “The origins of Indian Foods”.

Dr. Abid Hussain on “A New Paradigm on Science and Technology”.

Dr. D.S. Bhakuni on “Some Aspects of Bio-Synthesis of Alkaloids”.

Dr. G. Thyagarajan, Report on the “Meeting of Ministers of Science and Technology of Commonwealth Countries” at Malta in November, 1990