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Dr. Enna Dogra Gupta


Scientist C
Policy & Communications
Indian Council of Medical Research





Dr. Enna Dogra Gupta is currently a scientist at Indian Council of Medical Research. Prior to joining the ICMR, she was research associate at the International Centre for Genetic Engineering and Biotechnology (New Delhi, India), where her research focused on the malaria vaccines and pathogen –host interactions. She characterized Plasmodium falciparum and Plasmodium vivax novel proteins as potentialvaccine candidates. The antibodies against recombinant antigens were assessed individually as well as in combination to identify the mostpotent combinations that could be taken forward for the advanced clinical development of novelmalaria vaccines.At ICMR, she is involved in the area of health policy and communications. She is actively involved in translation of evidence to policy that includes capacity building and transforming research documents into policy briefs for the policy makers. As part of the ICMR communications unit, she has organised several media communication and crisis communication workshops for ICMR directors and scientists, health research conclave for health researchers and many more. She played a vital role in the publication of important documents to showcase the journey and success stories of ICMR. She also contributed in “Gandhi & Health @150” campaign that resulted in development of special edition of IJMR, a symposium that brought together the Gandhian scholars as well as public health professionals on a single platform for cross-pollination of ideas and inspiration towards innovative applications of Gandhian philosophy in the area of health. She was a part of COVID response team at ICMR and has been instrumental in developing risk communications and communicating research outcomes and advisories for mass dissemination, dispelling myths and fake news, creation of impactful written and visual content for the uptake by public stakeholders. She also played vital role in development of school based programs on health and infodemic. She has published her research in several national and international peer-reviewed journals and has also written popular articles.