Dr. Mohammad Irfan Qureshi
Associate Professor
(Erasmus Plus Teachers, EU)
Department of Biotechnology
Jamia Millia Islamia
Research Area: Global Food Security, Biotechnology, Molecular Stress Physiology, and Proteomics.
Joined Jamia in 2006, Dr. M. Irfan Qureshi is serving as an Associate Professor in the Department of Biotechnology. He is the recipient of the Young Scientist Awards and grants from MIUR-Italy, DST-India, ICP-Australia, and DST travels grant. He has completed 3 extramural research projects in the field of plant proteomics, under UGC MRP, DST Fast-track and UGC Innovation schemes. He has also received a highly reputed INSA-DFG (Germany) visiting researcher (Friedrich-Schiller University, Jena, Germany) award (2018), and the Erasmus Plus Teacher (AMU, Poland) Award (2019). He has guided 14 doctoral students for the award ofPh.Ds and around 100 short-term trainees. Year-2020 Maulana Abul Kalam Azad Excellence Award for Education has been bestowed on him.
Dr. M. Irfan Qureshi is a pioneer proteomicist of India (CSIR-RA award for Mustard Proteomics, 2005) and conducts his research in plant responses to environmental stresses. Besides, his biotechnological research covers genome editing using CRISPR/Cas9 system.Also, he has successfully organized a national (2017) and an international conference (2020) as an Organizing Secretary. 14 Ph.Ds and around 80 disertation theses have been awarded under his guidance. Attended more than a hundred National and International Conferences including Vienna (Austria), Rome and Pisa (Italy), Cambridge (UK), peer reviewed for tens of highly reputed high impact factor journals, has published around 80 papers/chapters, and delivered more than 40 invited talks.Dr. M. Irfan Qureshi has great interest in activities of ZSFand serving as a Member in the Foundation.