Zaheer Science Foundation (ZSF) is organizing JIGYASA (Program for promoting scientific temper through “Student-Scientist Connect’) in collaboration with CSIR-Indian Institute of Chemical Technology, Hyderabad (CSIR-IICT) * CSIR-Central Leather Research Institute, Chennai (CSIR-CLRI) * CSIR-Institute of Genomics and Integrative Biology, New Delhi (CSIR-IGIB), New Delhi on 22nd August, 2023 (10:30 - 17:30) at ZSF, 4, Udyan Marg, New Delhi-110001.
ZSF is a non-profit organization, established in 1970 as a “Think Tank”. The Foundation is involved in the promotion of scientific research and communication, science technology innovation policy advocacy and analysis, and science for small nations and south-south cooperation etc. and has been organizing seminars and conferences at national and international level promoting scientific temperament for nation building and empowerment through science diplomacy.
JIGYASA is an initiative taken during the “Platinum Jubilee Year of CSIR” as part of Scientific Social Responsibility (SSR), which came as an inspiration by our Honorable Prime Minister, Shri. Narendra Modi is a visionary who sees “Young India” as an “Innovation Engine” of the world. The 38 laboratories of CSIR representing the future innovation industrial engine of India with its modern science discoveries and technological development are organizing JIGYASA 2.0 along with Atal Innovation Mission, (AIM) NITI Aayog; who have made joint efforts to popularize science, technology, and innovation to inculcate scientific temper amongst school students across the country through various initiatives like students-Nobel laureate interactions, residential science program, lab-specific activities, science and Math club, students apprentice program, science exhibitions, state-level science competitions, physical lab visits, popular science lecture series, important awareness days, visits of scientists to schools, scientists as teacher and teachers as scientists etc.
ZSF as an outreach program is conducting the above JIGYASA 2.0 for the Kendriya Vidyalaya and other public schools from NCR region in collaboration with CSIR-IICT, CSIR-CLRI and CSIR-IGIB (All these 3 labs are premier research institutes of CSIR known for their outstanding contributions in innovative S&T development for science and societal needs). Students from class IX- XII along with the teachers of schools attended and participated in this program.
- The welcome Address was delivered by Dr. Tabassum Jamal, Chairperson ZSF who has been passionately organizing this first of its event by ZFS in New Delhi and truly connecting science and scientists to students and disseminating the innovations.
- Dr. Mrs. Geetha Vani Rayasam, Head CSIR-HRDG & Coordinator CSIR-JIGYASA Programme, was the Chief Guest and inspired the students with her exemplary talk, taking the students to the world of science.
- Dr. K J Sreeram, Director CSIR-CLRI also joined the program and enthused the students with his charisma and commendable discussions giving them the facets into the journey of scientist from a school student to scientist and the director of CSIR-CLRI.
- Dr. D. Shailaja Donempudi, Vice-Chairperson, ZSF and Chief Scientist & Chair, BDRM, CSIR-IICT, Hyderabad has motivated the students and explained the gap between the science grads requirement for the development of “New India” to enhance the global innovation index on the world map and she encouraged them to fill the gap by taking up science as a career; emphasizing the young Indian innovation and critical thinking skills.
- Dr. M. Rais, Secretary, ZSF, Dr. Manish Mohan Gore, Principal Scientist, CSIR-NIScPR, enlightened the students with their experience on their journey to science and also explained the need of popularizing science & scientific temper amongst students through more interactive mode.
Tabassum Jamal, Coordinator
To - Chief Bureau, Amar Ujala, New Delhi